The Nurturer Archetype

The Omnipresence of our Empowerment

Each aspect of the Nurturer comprises a side by which we relate to society and culture, and another side by which we relate to the natural world. Accompanying these aspects of the psyche — which I call the Spiritual and the Sacred — are a few testing challenges that invite us as we mature to make certain choices around how we wish to live in our world.

Without going into detail about these, it feels important to me to simply point out how interconnected these parts are of the culture that embodies us and the nature we embody. I hope to go into greater depth as I continue to write on this subject.

For now, I’d simply like to invite reflection on how the qualities of the Nurturer, in and toward ourselves and others, play out in your life. Each day that I encounter the Nurturing energies, I learn something new and amazing about myself and about those I love. May you, too, experience the peace of nurturing presence in your lives!


Take-Away Questions

  • In what ways do you routinely (or even occasionally) offer loving presence and care to yourself? To others?
  • What past painful experiences can you recall (or recall being told about) that may have affected the ways you view the world you live in? If you could go back and satisfy certain needs that you had at that time, what would they be?

All the photos used in this post above are under Creative Commons License. If you or anyone you know might object to their use here, please write me at

Peace to you!


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6 Comments on “The Nurturer Archetype

  1. Great Kelsey, I think the repression of the nurturer or Great Mother archetype is the root of the world’s problem now and for the last 6000 years or so. ‘Power with’ is a characteristic of matrifocal society, patriarchal being the ‘power over’ gang. The shadows that emerge due to the repression of the Great Mother archetype are fear and scarcity. Awareness of this is important so we can change it.

    1. Hey, Howard! It sounds to me like we really resonate around a lot of the same principles concerning power and scarcity. I’d love to continue to hear more about your philosophy on these topics. Thank you, and hope you keep postin’!

  2. As we grow we put more and more all the nurturing pieces together we received through life and the result is a complete new shine nurturer version that would only glow if we are able to be empathic with the ones that need from us. But there is always the moment of fail and there another story begins.

    1. Thank you for your comment, sister Brenda ^_^

      I want to make sure I understand you. Are you saying that we combine all our experiences of nurturing (being nurtured) over the course of our lives, into a nurturing energy that we have the potential of experiencing in wholeness and expressing (“glowing” from) if we’re willing to have empathy with ourselves over it? Also, would you say more about the idea of another story beginning where the one before it fails?

    1. Mom — I feel some sadness around the lack of clarity in this post for you. Would you let me know what parts were difficult for you to understand? Your feedback could potentially help me rewrite parts of the post that could bring greater clarity for others as well!

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