Disconnecting Morality, Connecting Compassion

Language of Connecting Compassion

Disconnection is bound to happen. The means and devices that stimulate it simply seem to me too abundant and indoctrinated in today’s culture to truly avoid.

However, thanks to the powerful miracle of language, a little learner’s hindsight, and a lot of  compassion, we can also promote a means of hearing differently and expressing to others something deeper than the surface vocabulary of our pain and fears, in a way that improves the conditions for connection, over disconnection, through the pain. We can experience connection while remaining aware of but uninvested in the evaluative Jackal stories of what we think of each other’s beliefs and opinions.

Thanks to the powerful miracle of language we can promote a means of hearing and expressing to others something deeper than the surface vocabulary of our pain and fears...
We can promote a means of hearing and expressing to others something deeper than the surface vocabulary of our pain and fears…

Even the language of mindful silence, imbibed with a nonverbal aura of empathic presence, set in motion by the simple intention for connection, can completely alter the chemistry that may normally end in further accomplices for punishment. A quiet Giraffe in the field of whatever is, providing room for change through its sheer presence…

Perhaps the first step to this work, however — and certainly one of the most crucial steps to it — is an awareness of the damage inflicted through right-wrong/good-bad judgments of ourselves and others.


Take-Away Questions

  • What is your personal philosophy on the “good-bad” and “right-wrong” views of the world?
  • How do you currently perceive the quality of connection to be most of the time in your relationships with others? With yourself?
  • What sort of internal imagery comes up for you when you think of life-serving, needs-aware connection with others/yourself through language?

All the photos used in this post above are under Creative Commons License. If you or anyone you know might object to their use here, please write me at kpkelsey@nomadiceclectic.org.

Peace to you!


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2 Comments on “Disconnecting Morality, Connecting Compassion

  1. You have an amazing capacity for thinking these things through – it is the power of a philosopher. As you should imagine – most of us move through these scenarios with a shrug and keep going down our own paths. It is good to pause through your reflection.

    1. Thank you, Mike! I really resonate with that thought. I’m making a very conscious effort at this time to slow down, in order to fully experience the greater depth to what may seem a “trivial” matter to me at the time. I’d say I probably even take more time to try and meditate with it and feel it out over think through it much (since my thoughts on the first go-round tend to stimulate more frustration or pain than acceptance or gratitude for the experience). It feels great to receive that recognition for my efforts!

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